This post I am making a top 6 out of these 7:
- ability to plan your own work/independence
- friend-potential: working in a environment where I can along with at least some of the people that share some of my interests (or as Nina said, friendly, non-competitive atmosphere: we should work in the same department, I guess!)
- intellectual interests
- possibility to grow (not only in salary or career, also intellectually, and executive)
- close enough to a place I can call home
- being able to take some of the decisions my self/independence
plus, of course:
- being rewarded for things I do (just a well done once in a while, and sporadically some excellent job’s would be nice, and a salary that can actually pay my mortgage)
So here we go, my top 6.
1: Independence
2: Friendly atmosphere
3: Potential to grow
4: Reward (not jus money, but freedom, trust, people ask me advise on stuff)
5: Intellectual interests
6: Close to home
The lower down the chain of importantness, the more likely I am willing to give in (a bit).
If I look at this top 6, I am close to where I want to be right now. It just lacks the Independence, and the Reward scale.
This weekend I had a family meeting and my aunt happens to be a interim manager and trainer/coach advisor person, who of course knows about my struggles with this job. She asked me how things were, I told her about the 6 things, and she said it sounded as if I knew what I wanted. Plus that I needed to open my perspective more to see where I could work other than science.
I still have NO CLUE> But I do not mind working at another place, I just like my top 6 a lot, and I am afraid there is no other place than science where I can have those more or less….
The added bonus is this:
If I do want to stay in science, I have to work longer and prepare a better thesis. Work unpaid. Get schooled in different methodologies. Prove that I can do those things, even though they were supposed to be in said thesis, but not in there due to major shit. If I do not necessarily want to stay in science, I could just make a good enough thesis, one that will not land me a PostDoc job, but a job that actually pays MONEY.
Coach said: There are so little jobs right now, and so much PhD's who want those jobs. You do not have a lot of chance, by looking at the figures alone. If you want to stay in science you have to improve your thesis, or improve your publications and skills after the thesis. It is important that you realize that!
Why is life so complicated?
Don't over thinking things - just get your thesis done as well as you, start identifying the topics for publications now but do those after the thesis is done and submitted. Yes, your coach is right that if you want to stay in science to improve the publications and skills after the thesis.